Duration of Procedure
6-8 Hours
Sensitivity Time
1-15 Days
Sleep at the Hospital
0 Days
Local Anesthesia
Healing Time
10-15 Days
All Seasons
Return to Activities"
1-2 Days
Travel Back
3-4 Days
Final Result
6-12 Months
Success Rate
100 %
Hair Transplant Technique
Understanding FUE Hair Transplantation
In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, hair follicles are taken one by one with a special-tipped micro-fue system under local anesthesia. It is the removal of multiple follicles (grafts with double, triple, quadruple follicles) and the donor area by preserving the integrity of the donor area with the micromotors used.
The hair, together with the follicle and the microscopic tissue surrounding it, is gently collected with a micro forceps. With the micro fue system, which minimizes the damage to the grafts in the operation, the operation times are shortened and the number of grafts taken in the unit of time increases.
This procedure, while surgical, demands meticulous care. Despite being minimally invasive without incisions or stitches, attention to detail significantly impacts the outcome, ensuring a more natural appearance. The quantity of grafts (follicles) transplanted via the FUE technique depends on the size of the balding area. It's important to note that the quantity of grafts does not directly correlate with the total volume of transplanted hair. Each graft may contain varying numbers of hair follicles, ranging from 1 to 3 strands per follicle, depending on the donor area.
The grooving process stands as a pivotal factor for achieving natural outcomes in hair transplantation procedures. Experience and expertise emerge as paramount considerations in this aspect. Despite appearing as a minor step in the procedure, it holds significant importance as it directly influences the final result of the transplantation.
The Horizontal Grooving Technique involves creating channels with mini surgical scalpels equipped with specially designed cutting tips to align with the natural anatomy. These channels facilitate the placement of grafts at desired horizontal angles. Following a hair transplantation procedure lasting 6-8 hours in the operating room, it's advisable to rest for 3 days before resuming social activities.
The initial 13 days post-transplantation are critical as the grafts attach to the channels and initiate the normal hair cycle process. Hair growth typically begins around the 3rd month, with the true results becoming apparent by the 6th month. The entire process typically spans one year. It's important to shield the transplanted area from external factors and physical impacts for up to 6 months to optimize results.
Grafts Distribution
Following the completion of dissection and cleaning, the physician proceeds to create canals.
These canals, crafted using microblade, are meticulously designed to align with the hair's natural growth patterns.
Given that hair tends to grow at specific angles rather than straight out, the operator carefully considers these inclinations when making incisions.
Simultaneously, the operator responsible for organizing the grafts keeps track of the number harvested.
The physician then determines the number of canals needed based on the available grafts, strategically deciding where additional canals are required and the extent of coverage for each area.
Canals are opened accordingly to match the number of harvested grafts. However, prolonged activity can cause discomfort for the patient.
Hence, teams schedule short breaks to allow the patient to rest after canal creation.